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CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

Love education and children?

Start your journey as an Early Childhood Educator

Most people choose to work in childcare because they enjoy working with children, and working in the childcare sector is extremely rewarding. A day in the life working in early childhood means lots of variety with no two days being the same plus, you get to be a part of a community that helps children learn, grow, and develop. Childcare workers play an essential role in the lives of children, giving them a great start in life by assisting them in developing social skills in a safe and nurturing atmosphere that fosters learning through play.

CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

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Course Duration

12 months full-time, blended study

Intake Dates

Traineeship (ongoing) & Online (ongoing)


Face-to-face delivery


Geelong Campus, 78 Yarra Street Geelong, VIC

Get started in a career in childcare

Course Overview

If you want to work in childcare, the best place to start is by studying the CHC30121 Certificate Ill in Early Childhood Education and Care. This course will equip you with the skills to be responsible for working in an Early Childhood Education and Care Centre. Plus, you’ll learn methods of supporting children’s wellbeing, learning and development.

If you need flexibility, we offer a blended mode of delivery for our certificate course. Each week you can expect the following:

  • 2 days of classroom-based training and assessment
  • 1 day of online training and assessment
  • Students can also expect self-directed studies and practical practice on the remaining days of the week to reinforce skills

If you want to be supported on your learning journey and need flexible study, then the VFA Learning CHC30121 Certificate Ill in Early Childhood Education and Care is your first step into a career in early childhood!

Career Outcomes

Early Childhood Education and Care Assistant

Early Childhood Education and Care Worker

Family Care Worker


Get started in a career in childcare

Course Information

Key Study Areas

Foundations of Early Childhood

Babies and Toddlers

Early Childhood Practice

First Aid

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Entry Requirements

VFA Learning assesses applicants to determine their suitability and ensure that this is the most appropriate training program to suit their existing knowledge, skills and experience – as well as their career goals and individual support needs.

Prospective students will need to successfully complete the VFA Learning Pre-Training Review and the approved Language, Literacy and Numeracy Test (LLN).

For further information, view our student entry procedure.

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Flexible Study

We understand that many of our students need to work while learning, so we have developed a blended option for this course. It includes online theory components and completion of all practical observations in a simulated work environment or placement as required by the qualification.

Our Flipped Learning approach encompasses the following:

  • Face-to-Face
  • Classroom-based with a large practical element
  • Workplace experience
  • Online (self-directed)

Potential students are encouraged to speak with one of our highly experienced Course Consultants to discuss options that suit your learning needs.

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Assessment Methods

  • Written Questions
  • Case studies
  • Assignment
  • Workplace Logbook
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Course Duration

The course is delivered over 12 months full-time following a weekly schedule of:

  • 2 days of classroom-based training and assessment
  • 1 day of online training and assessment

Students can also expect self-directed studies and practical practice on the remaining days of the week to reinforce skills.

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Course Costs

There are two options available to students, and the costs are:

Fee For Service – $8,000

Materials Fee – $230

For more information, refer to our guide on fee schedule for all approved courses and census dates.

This training will be delivered by Victorian Fitness Academy Pty Ltd TA VFA Learning RTO 22360.

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Payment Options

Fee For Service: Deposit (maximum $1,000) and Direct Debit payment of balance (paid through Debit Success)

Where eligible: VIC government subsidy and VET Student Loans

This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding

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To become a trainee, you can either be employed at a Childcare Provider or find an employer willing to employ you. An Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (ASSN) Provider can assist you and start your application and enrolment process.

The Australian Government contracts Australian Apprenticeship Support Network Providers to provide a ‘one-stop shop’ for those seeking to hire Australian Apprentices or those wanting to take up an Australian Apprenticeship as a career path. Please call us on 5223 6800 to discuss.

The following are local ASSN providers:

Sarina Russo Apprenticeships

Corner of Gheringhap and McKillop Streets,

Geelong VIC 3220

P: 1300 178 776 W:



9 Clare Street,

Geelong, VIC, 3220

P: 13 6348 E:


Apprenticeship Support Australia

20 Little Malop Street,

Geelong, VIC, 3220.

P: 1300 363 831 E:


MAS National

2/ 171-181 Moorabool St. Geelong Vic, 3220

P: 1300 627 628


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Pathway to Further Education

The CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood and Care is a direct pathway to the CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care.

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