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Need help to pay for your study?
VET Student Loans
VET Student Loans is a loan program that helps eligible students enrolled in higher level vocational education and training courses at approved course providers to help pay their tuition fees. A person’s access to a VET Student Loans is approved by the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment. You access the loan for your course, and the debt is then managed by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). VFA Learning is an approved VET Student Loans provider and is able to offer eligible individuals access to the VET Student Loans scheme for the following courses:
What are VET Student Loans?
VET Student Loans is an Australian Government Loan scheme that helps eligible students pay their tuition fees for diploma and above VET courses undertaken at an approved provider (such as VFA Learning) Your VET Student Loans becomes part of your HELP debt and must be paid back when your repayment income is above the compulsory repayment threshold. The compulsory repayment threshold is adjusted each year. compulsory repayment threshold for the 2023/2024 income year was $51,550. The compulsory repayment threshold for the 2022-23 income year was $48,361. You can make a voluntary repayment to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) at any time.
Useful links for students
Student Applications
VFA Learning will assist students to apply for VET Student Loans by confirming their eligibility and providing them with the VET Student Loans Information booklet and access to the Governments electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF). Students must read the Information booklet and understand their obligations before completing their online application via the eCAF program together with their course enrolment form available from the College. The student must complete their online eCAF and provide VFA Learning a copy of their acceptance letter on or before the census date for the first subject of study for which they wish to obtain VET Student Loans assistance.
If a student does not submit a completed Request for a VET Student Loans eCAF on or before the census date for the subject, they will not be entitled to VET Student Loans assistance for that subject. If students are eligible, they may borrow funds up to the lifetime HELP loan limit to help pay for all or part of the course fees. The 2024 HELP loan limit is $121,844. This amount is indexed on 1 January each year. There is a 20% loan fee that applies to fee for service students who request for VET Student Loans assistance. The HELP loan limit does not include the loan fee. This loan fee is NOT applied to subsidised students studying in a state or territory that has implemented subsidised VET Student Loans arrangements (such as Victoria).
Student Eligibility
Is studying a course that meets the course requirements, if it:
Has been assessed by your approved course provider as academically suited to undertake the approved course by either:
In addition, your approved provider must reasonably believe you show competence in completing the course;
*VET student loans will not be approved for students who do not meet eligibility requirements.
Useful external links for students
Be a Savvy Student
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