Stacie Dyer is a gradate of VFA Learning. She embraces all that we encompass. Stacie is living her passion and continues to inspire and educate people on a daily basis. Stacie the owner of Pakington Health, a multidisciplinary health clinic located in Geelong.
We recently visited Stacie at her clinic on Pakington Street in Newtown Geelong. Hear from her below:
We asked Geelong Massage Therapist Stacie a few more questions about her experience with us and what inspired her.
What inspired you to get started on this journey?
I felt I needed a refresh in my career and decided to upgrade my qualifications. VFA Learning made this possible for me to both study and work simultaneously due to its convenient location and hours.
What has been your number one take away from your time at VFA Learning?
Making the connection with the other students and trainers. It’s great to still have such a strong network after graduating many years ago.
Would you recommend VFA Learning to your friends and family and why?
Yes, I enjoyed my experience there, and I graduated with the confidence to chase my passion and open up my own clinic therefore, I would happily recommend.
Where do you see yourself in 2 years time?
Continuing to successfully grow my clinic.
How did VFA Learning help you realise and unlock your passion?
Once I completed my Advanced Diploma of Myotherapy I gained the confidence to open my own multidisciplinary health practice in Geelong Pakington Health.
Find out more about our Diploma of Remedial Massage Therapy or Advanced Diploma of Myotherapy.
Get in touch with us here.