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HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Get hands-on with your career

Prepare to enter the allied health industry with the knowledge and skills to manage your clients' welfare effectively.

The HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage will give you a high level of understanding of anatomy and physiology, equipping you to assess and treat clients physically.

In addition, you will learn how to grow your relationship-building skills for successful interaction with clients and other healthcare practitioners.

Upon graduating, you will use your skills and knowledge to offer advanced manual treatment for those suffering from sports or work-related injuries.

The course is offered in small learning workshops, allowing students to interact with clients, assess their needs and interpret the results to decide on the best treatment to restore healthy joints and muscle function.

Course Duration

12 months full-time, blended study

Course Starts

February 2025


Geelong Campus, 78 Yarra Street Geelong, VIC

Get started in a career in massage therapy

Career Outcomes

Elite Sporting Clubs

Multidisciplinary Health Practice

Health Retreats/Resorts & Cruise Ships

Small Business (Massage Clinic Owner)

Get started in a career in massage therapy

Course Information

Key Study Areas

The HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage explores new and exciting techniques, including myofascial release, joint mobilisations, muscle energy techniques and positional release.

Remedial Massage

A goal-oriented form of massage is used as a treatment in its own right or used in conjunction with other fields like physiotherapy and chiropractic to assist in the healing process.

Sports Massage

A branch of sports medicine concerned with the preparation, recovery and maintenance of optimal athletic performance.

Business Management

Understanding best business practices, management and ethical behaviour in the workplace.

Units of Competency

You must be deemed competent in all units to be awarded the qualification of HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage.

HLTMSG014 Provide remedial massage treatments 

HLTMSG015 Adapt remedial massage practice to meet specific needs 

HLTMSG011 Provide massage treatments

HLTMSG013 Perform remedial massage musculoskeletal assessments 

CHCPRP005 Engage with health professionals and the health system

HLTMSG010 Assess client massage needs

CHCLEG003 Manage legal and ethical compliance

HLTINF004 Manage the prevention and control of infection

HLTWHS004 Manage work health and safety

CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

HLTMSG009 Develop massage practice

CHCCOM006 Establish and manage client relationships

CHCPOL003 Research and apply evidence to practice

HLTMSG016 Apply principles of pain neuroscience

HLTMSG017 Apply remedial massage clinical practice

BSBESB401 Research and develop business plans

HLTAAP002 Confirm physical health status

HLTAAP003  Analyse and respond to client health information

HLTAID011 Provide First Aid

BSBESB404 Market new business ventures 

CHCCCS001 Address the needs of people with chronic disease

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Entry Requirements

VFA Learning assesses applicants to determine their suitability and ensure that this is the most appropriate training program to suit their existing knowledge, skills and experience – as well as their career goals and individual support needs.

Prospective students will need to successfully complete the VFA Learning Pre-Training Review and the approved Language, Literacy and Numeracy Test (LLN).

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Clinical Experience

Students undertake clinical hours at VFA Learning Clinic. These hours are completed under the direct supervision of our qualified practitioners, allowing students to develop clinical skills in patient assessment and management. Students will be required to complete 200 Practical hours:

  • 150 supervised
  • 50 non-supervised

VFA will assist with organising the supervised clinic hours.

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Flexible Study

We understand that many of our students need to work while learning, so we have developed a blended option for this course. It includes online theory components and completion of all practical observations in a simulated work environment or placement as required by the qualification.

Our modified Flipped Learning approach encompasses the following:

  • Face-to-Face
  • Classroom-based with a large practical element
  • Workplace experience
  • Online (self-directed)

Potential students are encouraged to speak with one of our highly experienced Course Consultants to discuss options that suit your learning needs.

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Assessment Methods

  • Written Questions
  • Quizzes
  • Assessor Observations
  • Case Studies
  • Assignment
  • Project
  • Report
  • Treatment Logbook
  • Work Sample
  • Scenarios
  • Role Plays
  • Oral Questioning
  • Interviews
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Course Duration

The course is delivered over 12 months full-time following a weekly schedule of:

  • 2 days of classroom-based training and assessment
  • 1 day of online training and assessment

Students can also expect self-directed studies and practical practice on the remaining days of the week to reinforce skills.

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Course Cost

There are two options available to students, and the costs are:

Fee For Service – $17,600

Skills First Government Subsidised – $13,500

* Materials Fee – $433

* Student Levy – $100

(Materials Fee and Student Levy are not covered under VET Student Loans)

For more information, refer to our fee schedule for all approved courses and census dates.

This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding

This training will be delivered by Victorian Fitness Academy Pty Ltd TA VFA Learning RTO 22360. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Access to VET Student Loans will not be approved for students who do not meet eligibility requirements, and a VET Student Loan gives rise to a VETSL debt that continues to be a debt due to the Commonwealth. The maximum Tuition Fee for this course for Non Subsidised Students is $17,600. The maximum amount covered under this course’s VET Student Loans program is $18,838.

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Payment Options

Fee For Service: Deposit and Direct Debit payment of balance (paid through Debit Success).

Where eligible: VIC government subsidy and VET Student loan.

Where eligible: VET Student Loan and direct debit payment of balance (paid through Debit Success).

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Pathway to Further Education

The HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage is a pathway to the 22656VIC Advanced Diploma of Myotherapy and the tertiary education degree, the Bachelor of Health & Science.

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